Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eagle Connection

This year I chose to join a couple of clubs on campus. I felt that this would be a great way to meet new people and also get involved in university activities. I tried out for Eagle Connection, and was pleasantly surprised when I found out that I had made it. Eagle Connection is a student club within the Recruitment Office here at USM. This club is comprised of upper classmen students (sophomore and up) and we travel out to different high school and college fairs and assist admission counselors in the recruitment process. This is a prestigious club, and requires a lot of commitment and dedication. On Black and Gold Day, which is October 17, 2009 we will be giving tours to prospective high school students who attend the event. I am very excited because I look forward to seeing familiar faces from the Mobile area and my home town. I can remember being right there in their shoes, and I also remember how this event helped make me decide to attend USM.

One of the many requirements of the club includes attending a weekly UNV 312 class. We meet weekly, and study all of the admission requirements, scholarships offered for entering freshman, and the degree programs offered under each college. I feel that learning all of this information has made me become more passionate about our schools simply because I know all of the wonderful opportunities that USM makes available to not only our incoming freshman class but also students who currently attend school here. For instance, one of the projects of our class was to do research on the study abroad program. Before completing this project, I had always thought of these programs to be too costly and not helpful for the degree that I am pursuing. After completing the project though, I realized all of the wonderful benefits that I could gain from participating in a study abroad program.

Joining different student clubs on campus similar to Eagle Connection has broadened my knowledge about the University of Southern Mississippi. I enjoy taking part in clubs that assist in helping student’s make one of the most important decisions in their life. Making a decision about where they would like to attend school is just the first difficult decision of many to come after graduating high school. I can remember being in their shoes, and I like knowing that I am helping them become the most knowledgeable about USM, and possibly helping them make the right decision to attend school here.

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