Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Upgrading our Student Activities Hub

Just recently, the University of Southern Mississippi opened the new "Student Activities Hub". This newly renovated office is located in the hub, across from the post office. This new office is conveniently located, and is a great way for students to find out about all of the different ways they can get involved on campus. The Student Activities Hub contains offices different student organizations:
• Southern Miss Activities Council (SMAC)
• Student Government Association (SGA)
• African-American Student Organization (AASO)
• Southerner Yearbook Student Staff

Southern Miss has over 280 student activities to get involved in. And it is very important for student to take part in some of these campus activities. Studies have shown that students who are active in on campus activities seem to have an overall higher success rate during their time in college. Studies have also shown that universities that have more opportunities for student involvement usually have higher retention rates. Students overall satisfaction with their school can sometimes grow from finding an organization or activity that makes them feel comfortable and wanted. One major part of students staying at a university has to do with finding a click that he or she fits into. Clubs or activities can sometimes create these niches that allow students to feel that they have a sense of belonging.
I know that I have enjoyed being involved in campus activities, and it has provided me with encouragement to keep my grades up so that I can continue to participate in these organizations.

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